
Our mission

Our mission as a Romanian Orthodox church is to reach out and welcome all people who seek to receive the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and to proclaim the Orthodox Christian faith in order to glorify God and unite them into one sacramental community, through the worship and the beliefs of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.

Regular schedule

Holy Liturgy, Sundays at 10 AM (EST)

554 Tunxis Hill Road, Fairfield, CT 06825

Services, Events and News

Includes Announcements

Membership Forms

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We thank the members of our parish, the sponsors and donors for supporting our church!

Programul slujbelor şi evenimentelor în biserică
Schedule of services and events in the church

• Duminică, 7 aprilie, 10 AM – Duminica a III-a din Post (a
Sf. Cruci; Luarea crucii și urmarea lui Hristos); Ap. Evrei IV,
14-16; V, 1-6; Ev. Marcu VIII, 34-38; IX, 1;

• Duminică, 14 aprilie, 10 AM – Duminica a IV-a din Post
(Predica de pe munte – Fericirile); Ap. Evrei VI, 13-20;
Efeseni V, 8-19; Ev. Marcu IX, 17-32; Matei IV, 25; V, 1-12;

• Vineri, 19 aprilie, 6:30 PM – Sf. Maslu/ Holy Unction

• Duminică, 21 aprilie, 10 AM – Duminica a V-a din Post
(Prevestirea Patimilor; Cererea fiilor lui Zevedeu;
Pocăința femeii păcătoase); Ap. Evrei IX, 11-14; Galateni III,
23-29; Ev. Marcu X, 32-45; Luca VII, 36-50;

• Sâmbătă, 27 aprilie, 6:30 PM – Vecernie/ Vespers service

• Duminică, 28 aprilie, 10 AM (†) Intrarea Domnului în
Ierusalim (Duminica a VI-a din Post – a Floriilor); Ap.
Filipeni IV, 4-9; Ev. Ioan XII, 1-18 (Denia Sf. și Marii Luni)
Masă de Florii cu peşte după Sf. Liturghie

• Joi, 2 mai, 6:30 PM – Sf. și Marea Joi, Denia celor 12
Evanghelii, a Sf. și Marii Vineri

• Vineri, 3 mai, 6:30 PM – Sf. și Marea Vineri – Scoaterea
Sf. Aer; Denia Prohodului Domnului, a Sf. și Marii
Sâmbete, Zi aliturgică (Post negru)

• Sâmbătă 4 mai, 11:30 PM, Slujba de înviere și Sf.
Liturghie (Paschal Vigil service and Holy Liturgy)

Duminică, 5 mai, 1 PM
(†) Învierea Domnului (Sfintele Paști) – Holy Resurection
(Holy Pascha) Vecernia Învierii (a doua Înviere) –
Resurrection Vespers (Ap. Fapte I, 1-8 )

• Duminică, 12 mai, 10 AM – Duminica a II-a după Paști (a
Sf. Ap. Toma); Ap. Fapte V, 12-20; Ev. Ioan XX, 19-31;

• Duminică, 19 mai, 10 AM – Duminica a III-a după Paști (a
Mironosițelor); Ap. Fapte VI, 1-7; Ev. Marcu XV, 43-47;

• Duminică, 26 mai, 10 AM – Duminica a IV-a după Paști
(Vindecarea slăbănogului de la Vitezda); Ap. Fapte IX, 32-
42; Ev. Ioan V, 1-15;

• Hramul Sf. Ioan Rusul va avea loc Duminică, 2 iunie.

Alte sărbători importante (fără slujbă în biserică)

• Miercuri, 23 aprilie †) Sf. M. Mc. Gheorghe, Purtătorul
de biruință; Sf. Mc. Valerie (Dezlegare la ulei și vin)

• Vineri, 10 mai †) Izvorul Tămăduirii; †) (Harți)

• Marţi, 21 mai, †) Sf. Împăraţi, întocmai cu apostolii,
Constantin și mama sa, Elena

We are the Holy Brancoveanu Martyrs Romanian Orthodox Church

Holy Brâncoveanu Martyrs, a Mission of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas, under the canonical jurisdiction of The Romanian Orthodox Church.

Our Values

God is the source of faith in the Orthodox Church. Orthodoxy believes that God has revealed Himself to us, most especially in the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom we know as the Son of God. This Revelation of God, His love, and His purpose, are constantly made manifest and contemporary in the life of the Church by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Orthodox Faith does not begin with humankind’s religious speculations, nor with the so-called “proofs” for the existence of God, nor with a human quest for the Divine. The origin of the Orthodox Christian Faith is the Self-disclosure of God. Each day the Church’s

Morning Prayer affirms and reminds us of this by declaring: “God is the Lord and He has revealed Himself to us. ” While the inner Being of God always remains unknown and unapproachable, God has manifested Himself to us; and the Church has experienced Him as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity, which is central to the Orthodox Faith, is not a result of pious speculation, but the over whelming experience of God. The doctrine affirms that there is only One God in whom there are three distinct Persons. In other words, when we encounter either the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit, we are truly experiencing contact with God. While the Holy Trinity is a mystery which can never be fully comprehended, Orthodoxy believes that we can truly participate in the Trinity through the life of the Church, especially through our celebration of the Eucharist and the Sacraments, as well as the non-sacramental services.

Our Faith

The Orthodox Church throughout the ages has maintained a continuity of faith and love with the apostolic community which was founded by Christ and sustained by the Holy Spirit. Orthodoxy believes that she has preserved and taught the historic Christian Faith free from error and distortion, from the time of the Apostles. She also believes that there is nothing in the body of her teachings which is contrary to truth or which inhibits real union with God. The air of antiquity and timelessness which often characterizes Eastern Christianity is an expression of her desire to remain loyal to the authentic Christian Faith.

Orthodoxy believes that the Christian Faith and the Church are inseparable. It is impossible to know Christ, to share in the life of the Holy Trinity, or to be considered a Christian apart from the Church. It is in the Church that the Christian Faith is proclaimed and maintained. It is through the Church that an individual is nurtured in the Faith.

from www.mitropolia.us
